Annual report: OpenArabicPE in 2019

The work on digital scholarly editions (DSE) of late Ottoman Arabic periodicals continued within the framework of OpenArabicPE (see annual report 2017). I added a number of periodicals to the existing editions of Muḥammad Kurd ʿAlī’s al-Muqtabas (Damascus and Cairo, 1906–18) and ʿAbd al-Qādir al-Iskandarānī’s al-Ḥaqāʾiq (Damascus, 1910–12) following the principles and workflows established over the last years. These are: Anastās Mārī al-Karmalī’s monthly journal Lughat al-ʿArab (Baghdad, 1911–14), Anṭūn al-Jumayyil’s monthly journal al-Zuhūr (Cairo, 1910–1913) and Abd Allāh Nadīm al-Idrīsī’s weekly journal al-Ustādh (Cairo, 1892–1893). The ability to quickly add and release a number of periodicals with full text and digital facsimiles was helped by the anonymous transcribers at al-Maktaba al-Shāmila, who reproduced the page breaks as found in the printed originals that allow us to quickly link the text to the facsimile. This is very different from both al-Muqtabas and al-Ḥaqāʾiq for which we had to add each of the 8000+ page breaks manually. Finally, I worked on a facsimile edition with transcriptions of article titles and bylines of Jirjī Niqūlā Bāz’s al-Ḥasnāʾ (Beirut, 1909–11). [Read More]
Tags: documentation

Annual report: OpenArabicPE in 2018

The work on the digital editions of Muḥammad Kurd ʿAlī’s journal al-Muqtabas (Damascus and Cairo, 1906–18) and ʿAbd al-Qādir al-Iskandarānī’s journal al-Ḥaqāʾiq (Damascus, 1910–12) continued within the framework of OpenArabicPE. Contributions from our interns Manzi Tanna-Händel, Xaver Kretzschmar, Klara Mayer, Tobias Sick and Hans Magne Jaatun allowed us to release a further four volumes. Readers can find a project description in the last annual report and I will focus here on the first foray into the analysis of our corpus. One of the driving research questions behind OpenArabicPE focusses on reconstructing the ideosphere of the late Ottoman and early Arabic press through establishing networks of authors and texts published and referenced in the periodicals. With regards to al-Muqtabas and al-Ḥaqāʾiq, we ask: who published what in late Ottoman Damascus? As well as, what was read in late Ottoman Damascus? [Read More]
Tags: documentation

v0.1 of al-Ḥaqāʾiq: volume 1

We just released v0.1 of the journal al-Ḥaqāʾiq published by ʿAbd al-Qādir al-Iskandarānī. As per our release schedule this release includes the following: [Read More]
Tags: xml, page breaks, linked facsimiles, journal_al-haqaiq