The following semi-automatic workflow allows to quickly mark-up page breaks and link them to facsimiles. Changes should be committed to GitHub after every step at the absolute minimum.

Note that running XSLT 2.0 stylesheets requires some processing engine, most likely the open source Saxon processor. It comes built-in into many commercial XML editing tools, but currently I am not aware of any open-source and free-of-cost implementation. But as this project is envisioned as a collaboration, let’s collaborate. As long as someone commits TEI files with mannually added page breaks (see step 2.1 below) and then sends us a pull request, another collaborator with access to commercial software can run the transformations.

1. Mark-up

1.1 Page breaks

Page breaks are recorded with the empty milestone element <pb/>. If a page break separates block level elements such as <div>, <p> or <lg>, the empty <pb/> is placed between the two elements and on the same level within the XML tree.

    <p>Some text in a paragraph <pb/> that spans across pages</p>
    <p>Some text in a paragraph that does not span across pages</p>
        <!--  -->
    <!-- -->

Page breaks found in al-maktaba al-shāmila do not correspond to those in the original printed copies. They were therefore marked as <pb ed="shamila">. Page breaks corresponding to the original printed edition are identified by @ed="print".

Dār Ṣādir in Beirut published a reprint in 1992, which is entirely unmarked as such but for the information on the binding itself. Checking this reprint against the original, it appeared to be a facsimile reprint: pagination, font, layout — everything is identical.

  1. Printed original copy: <pb ed="print"/>
    • the page number is recorded in the @n attribute
    • These page breaks are then linked through the @facs attribute to the @xml:id of a <surface> element; i.e. <pb ed="print" n="78" facs="#facs_78"/>
  2. Transcription from al-maktaba al-shāmila: <pb ed="shamela"/>

1.2 Facsimiles

Facsimiles are linked through the <facsimile> child of <TEI>:

    <surface xml:id="facs_445">
        <graphic xml:id="facs_445-g_1" url="../images/oclc-4770057679_v6/njp-32101073250910_img-445.tif" mimeType="image/tiff"/>
        <graphic xml:id="facs_445-g_2" url="../images/oclc-4770057679_v6/njp-32101073250910_img-445.jpg" mimeType="image/jpeg"/>
        <graphic xml:id="facs_445-g_3" url=";seq=445" mimeType="image/jpeg"/>
        <graphic xml:id="facs_445-g_4" url="" mimeType="image/jpeg"/>
  • The @url of <graphic> links to local downloads of the image as well as to the image hosted on HathiTrust and EAP servers.

2. Workflow

2.1 Manually place <pb/> tags

The tag <pb/>, marking a page break in TEI, must be manually placed into the text string:

  1. Before:
<seg> بن زكريا ابن حيويه الحزاز قراءة عليه في يوم الأربعاء النصف من شهر رمضان سنة إحدى وثمانين</seg>
  1. After:
<seg> بن زكريا ابن حيويه الحزاز قراءة <pb/>عليه في يوم الأربعاء النصف من شهر رمضان سنة إحدى وثمانين</seg>

2.2 Automatically number <pb/>s

On the assumption that all page breaks in an issue have been marked and that the sequence of pages is uninterrupted, one can automatically number page breaks by running the XSLT stylesheet tei-pb_generate-page-numbers.xsl.

Note that, when this stylesheet is run from oXygen’s transformation pane in OpenArabicPE.xpr, the output is written to the subfolder _output/numbered-pb/ to protect the source files. Once the result of step 2.1 above has been committed to GitHub, the files from _output/numbered-pb/ can be copied back to xml/

  1. Before:
<seg> بن زكريا ابن حيويه الحزاز قراءة <pb/>عليه في يوم الأربعاء النصف من شهر رمضان سنة إحدى وثمانين</seg>
  1. After:
<seg> بن زكريا ابن حيويه الحزاز قراءة <pb ed="print" n="4"/>عليه في يوم الأربعاء النصف من شهر رمضان سنة إحدى وثمانين</seg>

If a <facsimile> containing <surface> child elements has been added to the TEI files, these can be automatically linked to all <pb ed="print"/> that carry the @n attribute. This is done through transforming the XML with the XSLT stylesheet tei-pb_link-facsimiles.xsl.

Note that, when this stylesheet is run from oXygen’s transformation pane in OpenArabicPE.xpr, the output is written to the subfolder _output/linked-pb/ to protect the source files. Once the result of step 2.2 above has been committed to GitHub, the files from _output/linked-pb/ can be copied back to xml/

  1. Before:
<seg> بن زكريا ابن حيويه الحزاز قراءة <pb ed="print" n="4"/>عليه في يوم الأربعاء النصف من شهر رمضان سنة إحدى وثمانين</seg>
  1. After:
<seg> بن زكريا ابن حيويه الحزاز قراءة <pb ed="print" n="4" facs="#facs_8"/>عليه في يوم الأربعاء النصف من شهر رمضان سنة إحدى وثمانين</seg>

2.4 Automatically generate an @xml:id

Unique @xml:id for new elements are generated by the XSLT stylesheet tei_generate-xml-id.xsl. Note that, when this stylesheet is run from oXygen’s transformation pane in [OpenArabicPE.xpr, the output is written to the subfolder _output/xml-id/ to protect the source files. Once the result of step 2.3 above has been committed to GitHub, the files from _output/xml-id/ can be copied back to xml/

2.5 Automatically correct locations

Occasionally editors, particularly those working in oXygen’s author mode or similar environments that make it harder to establish the exact position within the XML hierarchy, will create leading or trailing <pb>s; i.e.

    <p>Some text inside a paragraph<pb/></p>

instead of

    <p>Some text inside a paragraph</p>

The XSLT stylesheet xslt/Tei-CorrectPositionPb.xsl will relocate those <pb>s to the correct location. Note that, when this stylesheet is run from oXygen’s transformation pane in MajallatMuqtabas.xpr, the output is written to the subfolder xml/pb-location-corrected/ to protect the source files. Once the result of step 2.4 above has been committed to GitHub, the files from xml/pb-location-corrected/ can be copied back to xml/