Arabic (1) Arabic periodicals (1) GIF (1) ImageMagick (1) MARC (1) R (1) SRU (1) TEI (1) XML (2) XSLT (1) arabic periodicals (1) authority files (1) bibliographic data (1) conferences (2) digital editions (1) digitized resources (1) documentation (3) ggplot2 (1) how to (2) journal_al-haqaiq (1) journal_al-muqtabas (5) linked facsimiles (6) linked open data (1) mapping (1) multilingual DH (1) online libraries (1) page breaks (6) presentation (2) resources (1) review (1) social edition (1) tei (1) transliteration (1) tutorial (1) workflow (1) xml (8) xslt (1)

 Arabic (1)

Integrating library data into authority file

 Arabic periodicals (1)

Mapping Arabic periodical titles between 1799 and 1929

 GIF (1)

Mapping Arabic periodical titles between 1799 and 1929

 ImageMagick (1)

Mapping Arabic periodical titles between 1799 and 1929

 MARC (1)

Integrating library data into authority file

 R (1)

Mapping Arabic periodical titles between 1799 and 1929

 SRU (1)

Integrating library data into authority file

 TEI (1)

Integrating library data into authority file

 XML (2)

Integrating library data into authority file
Mapping Arabic periodical titles between 1799 and 1929

 XSLT (1)

Mapping Arabic periodical titles between 1799 and 1929

 arabic periodicals (1)

Presentation of *Digital Muqtabas* at conference 'Books in Motion' in Beirut

 authority files (1)

Integrating library data into authority file

 bibliographic data (1)

Mapping Arabic periodical titles between 1799 and 1929

 conferences (2)

Presentation of *Digital Muqtabas* at conference 'Books in Motion' in Beirut
Presentation at DiXiT Convention 2 in Cologne

 digital editions (1)

Presentation of *Digital Muqtabas* at conference 'Books in Motion' in Beirut

 digitized resources (1)'s failure as a source for digitsed imagery of Arabic journals

 documentation (3)

Annual report: OpenArabicPE in 2019
Annual report: OpenArabicPE in 2018
Workflow: Mark-up of page breaks

 ggplot2 (1)

Mapping Arabic periodical titles between 1799 and 1929

 how to (2)

Workflow: Mark-up of page breaks
How to contribute

 journal_al-haqaiq (1)

v0.1 of *al-Ḥaqāʾiq*: volume 1

 journal_al-muqtabas (5)

v0.5 of (*majallat*) *al-Muqtabas*: volume 3
v0.4 of (*majallat*) *al-Muqtabas*: volume 1
v0.3 of (*majallat*) *al-Muqtabas*: volume 4
v0.2 of (*majallat*) *al-Muqtabas*: volume 5
v0.1 of (*majallat*) *al-Muqtabas*

 linked facsimiles (6)

v0.5 of (*majallat*) *al-Muqtabas*: volume 3
v0.4 of (*majallat*) *al-Muqtabas*: volume 1
v0.3 of (*majallat*) *al-Muqtabas*: volume 4
v0.1 of *al-Ḥaqāʾiq*: volume 1
v0.2 of (*majallat*) *al-Muqtabas*: volume 5
v0.1 of (*majallat*) *al-Muqtabas*

 linked open data (1)

Integrating library data into authority file

 mapping (1)

Mapping Arabic periodical titles between 1799 and 1929

 multilingual DH (1)

Mapping Arabic periodical titles between 1799 and 1929

 online libraries (1)'s failure as a source for digitsed imagery of Arabic journals

 page breaks (6)

v0.5 of (*majallat*) *al-Muqtabas*: volume 3
v0.4 of (*majallat*) *al-Muqtabas*: volume 1
v0.3 of (*majallat*) *al-Muqtabas*: volume 4
v0.1 of *al-Ḥaqāʾiq*: volume 1
v0.2 of (*majallat*) *al-Muqtabas*: volume 5
v0.1 of (*majallat*) *al-Muqtabas*

 presentation (2)

Presentation of *Digital Muqtabas* at conference 'Books in Motion' in Beirut
Presentation at DiXiT Convention 2 in Cologne

 resources (1)'s failure as a source for digitsed imagery of Arabic journals

 review (1)'s failure as a source for digitsed imagery of Arabic journals

 social edition (1)

How to contribute

 tei (1)

Workflow: Mark-up of page breaks

 transliteration (1)

Integrating library data into authority file

 tutorial (1)

Mapping Arabic periodical titles between 1799 and 1929

 workflow (1)

Workflow: Mark-up of page breaks

 xml (8)

v0.5 of (*majallat*) *al-Muqtabas*: volume 3
v0.4 of (*majallat*) *al-Muqtabas*: volume 1
v0.3 of (*majallat*) *al-Muqtabas*: volume 4
v0.1 of *al-Ḥaqāʾiq*: volume 1
v0.2 of (*majallat*) *al-Muqtabas*: volume 5
v0.1 of (*majallat*) *al-Muqtabas*
Workflow: Mark-up of page breaks
How to contribute

 xslt (1)

Workflow: Mark-up of page breaks